NDPA By-Laws of the Association

The by-laws of the association provide the guidance for governance to the Board of Trustees, membership, and the individual officers of the association.




Approved February 2017



The purpose of the North Dakota Psychological Association shall be to advance psychology as a science, as a profession, and as a means of promoting human welfare. In fulfilling these purposes the Association may promote research, continuing education, and personal friendships among members.


Article I


Section 1. The North Dakota Psychological Association shall consist of four classes of members: Members, Associate Members, Life Members, and Student Members.


Section la. Members shall be Fellows or Members of the American Psychological Association or be licensed Psychologists or be eligible for membership in the American Psychological Association and shall reside in or be employed by a state of North Dakota employer, and whose membership is approved by the Board of Trustees. Approval shall consist of a simple majority of the entire Board of Trustees. Members shall have all rights and privileges of the Association and the right to vote and to hold elective office.


Membership status shall be granted to those individuals who, by the date of the October 1990 general meeting, have been granted Full Membership status by virtue of five consecutive years as Associate Members. Such individuals shall remain as Members as long as dues and assessments are current.


Section lb. Associate Members shall be those who are eligible for election as Associates of the American Psychological Association or who are full members of Board approved allied associations and whose membership is approved by the Board of Trustees. Approval shall consist of a simple majority of the entire Board of Trustees. Associate Members may attend all meetings, participate in programs and discussions but may not vote nor hold an elective office.


Section 1c. Life Members shall be those who are so designated by the Board of Trustees. The Association may, at its discretion, bestow life membership upon those who are Life Members of the American Psychological Association, members who have reached the age of 65 and have completed 20 years of service as a Psychologist, charter members of the North Dakota Psychological Association, or any other individuals deemed worthy of such designation. Life Members shall be entitled to vote, hold an elective office, and in general, participate in all functions of the Association. Life Members shall be exempt from Association dues.


Section 1d. Student Members shall be graduate students enrolled in a Psychology program or allied field approved by the Board of Trustees and whose membership is approved by the Board of Trustees. Approval shall consist of a simple majority of the entire Board of Trustees. Student Members may attend meetings and participate in programs and may have such other privileges as may be granted by the Board of Trustees.


Section 2. Each nomination for membership shall be made in writing and shall present a listing of qualifications claimed by the applicant and shall be attested to either by the signatures of two members of the North Dakota Psychological Association or by such collateral evidence as may be produced from recommendations, or other credentials as the applicant may offer for investigation.


Section 2a. Each applicant for membership shall sign a statement indemnifying and holding harmless the North Dakota Psychological Association and its officers for damages resulting from unfavorable action on his or her application or from disciplinary action or expulsion under the provision of Article II of these By-Laws.


Section 2b. Termination of membership in the North Dakota Psychological Association shall require a three-fourths vote of the Board of Trustees. See Article II.


Section 2c. A member may request termination of his or her membership through submission of a letter of resignation for action by the Board of Trustees.


Section 2d. Membership shall be terminated because of non-payment of assessments and/or dues. Dues shall be declared delinquent by March 1 of each year with suspension of membership for non-payment on May 1. At any subsequent time, any membership may be reinstated by paying the current and one year's past dues and assessments.


Section 2e. When professional activity and residence is transferred to another state, membership may be continued by maintaining current dues.


Article II




Procedures for dropping a member from membership shall be initiated within one year of the date that the occurrence of one or more of the bases for dropping membership is discovered by NDPA.


If a question as to whether or not a member should be dropped is raised, it will be referred to the President. The President shall obtain available information, present it to the Board, and the Board shall determine by majority vote whether the matter warrants further review.


If such review is warranted, the President shall promptly advise the member in writing of the reason(s) for the possible dropping from membership. The member will then have thirty days in which to submit in writing any information he/she desires, or to request to resign from NDPA. If the member chooses resignation from NDPA, his/her offer of resignation must be accompanied by acknowledgment of the occurrence of one of the bases for dropping from membership. Any other resignation will not be accepted.


If the member does respond, he/she must authorize the Board to obtain information concerning the matter from all-appropriate persons and agencies. Failure to authorize release of such information may be considered as one factor in determining the appropriateness of dropping the member from membership.


The member does not have the right to a hearing, to appear personally before the Board, or to call witnesses. The Board shall consider only information that is submitted in writing.


If the member does not respond within thirty days, the President shall refer the matter to the Board for decision.


The Board, in consultation with legal counsel--should the Board choose to seek legal counsel, shall review the available information, and shall then decide by a ¾ majority vote whether the member shall be dropped from membership, be permitted to resign, or otherwise. The President shall advise the member of the decision of the Board and the basis for the decision. The Board shall keep appropriate minutes or other records of its decisions. The member shall have no right to appeal the Board’s decision.


All information concerning dropping from membership shall be confidential, except that such information may be disclosed: when compelled by a valid subpoena or otherwise required by law; to legal counsel of the NDPA; to staff of the NDPA and to other duly appointed persons authorized by NDPA to assist in carrying out its functions; to the American Psychological Association, Canadian Psychological Association, and any affiliated state, regional, provincial, or territorial association; to any state, provincial, or territorial licensing and certification board; to the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards; to the membership of NDPA; to any party that reported to NDPA an occurrence of one of the bases for the dropping the member; and to other appropriate parties. The above requirement of confidentiality shall not prevent NDPA from responding to any inquiry regarding the membership status of a member who has been dropped from membership.


Records regarding dropping from membership and resignation following the occurrence of one of the bases for dropping membership shall be maintained indefinitely.


If a member who has resigned from membership as described above or been dropped from membership reapplies for membership in NDPA, then any decision regarding such reapplication shall be at the sole discretion of the Board.


Bases for termination of membership shall include but not be limited to: 1) revocation by a board of psychologist examiners of license to practice psychology; 2) revocation of APA membership or resignation of APA membership for cause as described in the APA bylaws and rule of the APA Ethics Committee; 3) conviction of a felony; 4) unethical or unprofessional conduct.



Article III


Section 1. The Board of Trustees of the North Dakota Psychological Association shall consist of the following voting members: a President, President-elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Federal Advocacy Coordinator, APA Council Representative/Liaison. A non-voting Member Emeritus/Emerita will be appointed annually by the Board of Trustees. It is expected that the Board shall meet quarterly, but must meet at least two times per year at the call of the President, who may call a meeting on his or her own initiative but must call a meeting when requested to do so by three members of the Board. A quorum for the purpose of conducting business shall consist of three (3) members of the Board of Trustees. Business may be conducted via email or other electronic means. In such cases, a decision will require a simple majority of the full Board of Trustees. The President will announce the results of the vote at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees for inclusion in the minutes.


Section 2. Terms of office shall begin the first day of the calendar year following the election. The President and President-elect shall be elected for two years each, with the President-elect succeeding automatically to the Presidency upon the expiration of the President's term. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected for terms of three years each, not to be concurrent with the President and President Elect. The APA Council Representative/Liaison is elected and serves in concordance with the APA election policies.


Section 3. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Trustees occurring prior to or immediately following the formal nomination and election procedure of NDPA, the Board of Trustees shall appoint an interim board member to fill the vacancy until the formal nomination and election procedure of NDPA results in the election of a new board Member.


Section 4 The specific duties and responsibilities of the Officers of the Board of Trustees of NDPA shall be contained in the Procedures Manual adopted by the Board of Trustees. This document shall also contain the description of the day-to-day operations of NDPA, the duties and responsibilities of appointed positions within and central office staff of NDPA.


Section 4a. Revisions to the Procedures Manual of NDPA shall be made only upon written submission of a proposed revision to the full Board of Trustees. Revisions to the Procedures Manual of NDPA may be submitted by any current officer of the Board of Trustees or the Executive Director of NDPA. Revisions may also be solicited and received from any Member or Life Member of NDPA.


Section 4b. The adoption of any revision to the Procedures Manual of NDPA shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees and when a majority of the Board of Trustees have voted in favor of such a revision to the Procedures Manual of NDPA.

Section 5. As long as the Practice Directorate of the American Psychological Association maintains the position of Federal Advocacy Coordinator, NDPA shall choose an individual for this position by popular election. This individual shall serve for three years in the position of Federal Advocacy Coordinator, with the right of succession.


Section 5a. Elections for the position of Federal Advocacy Coordinator shall be held in conjunction with elections for Officers of the Board of Trustees of NDPA.


Section 5b. Duties of the office of Federal Advocacy Coordinator shall be contained in the Procedures Manual of NDPA.



Article IV


Section 1. The members-at-large of the Board of Trustees, with the immediate Past President serving as Chairman, shall constitute the Nominating Committee for the North Dakota Psychological Association.


Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall circulate a slate of proposed candidates and issue a call for additional nominees The Nominating Committee shall determine that all nominees are eligible and willing to hold office prior to mailing the ballot. Eligible nominees shall be Members in good standing.


Section 3. The election of officers shall be by electronic or mail ballot of the voting Members who have paid current dues. The election of officers of the North Dakota Psychological Association shall be closed and completed two weeks prior to the annual meeting.


Section 4. The tally of the ballots shall be done by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee with one member of the Board of Trustees who shall certify the election of officers to their respective offices and the newly elected officers shall be notified before the annual meeting.


Section 5. In the event of a tie vote by the Membership of NDPA for a position on the Board of Trustees, the election of a new Officer shall be decided among the highest vote receiving candidates for that Office by the entire Board of Trustees of NDPA. The candidates receiving the majority of the votes of the Board of Trustees shall be considered duly elected and assume office at the specified time.


Article V



Section 1. The President shall appoint chairs and members of committees as needed to carry out the goals of the organization. The President is responsible for providing committees with a written statement of purpose, specific guidelines, reports due, and budgetary considerations.


Section 2. Unless otherwise specified in the constitution, the duties of the various committees shall be outlined by the Board of Trustees. The Board shall request an annual report before the annual meeting from each committee and may request a report prior to a Board of Trustees Meeting.


Article VI


Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to solicit applications for, evaluate applicants, and hire an Executive Director for the Association.


Section 2. The duties of the Executive Director of NDPA shall be established by the Board of Trustees and specified in the Procedures Manual of NDPA. The President of NDPA shall oversee the activities of the Executive Director to ensure the duties outlined in the Procedures Manual of NDPA relevant to the Executive Director are conducted in a satisfactory manner.


Article VII


Section 1. The North Dakota Psychological Association shall hold at least one membership meeting during the calendar year. The dates of such meetings are to be determined by the Board of Trustees, with notice to the members at least 30 days in advance. Twenty percent of the voting membership shall be required as a quorum to transact business.


Section 2. Unless otherwise provided, a majority of the voting members present shall constitute grounds for carrying a ballot in a business meeting.


Article VIII


Section 1. The fiscal year, including the ascertaining of dues, shall be from January through December for each year.


Article IX


Section 1. Dues shall be set by the majority of the voting members present at a business meeting of the Association. Changes in dues shall be proposed by the Board of Trustees and voted on by the Association.


Section 2. Special Assessments deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees may be enacted by a majority of members voting in a ballot or by a majority of the voting members present at a business meeting.


Article X


Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to recommend amendments, deletions or alterations to these By-Laws.


Section 2. Any amendments, deletions or alterations to these By-Laws shall require 30 days notice and a majority of the voting members present at the annual meeting or a vote of a majority of the voting members of NDPA who return their ballots.


Section 3. By-Laws shall be reviewed on each decade year and mid-decade year.



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