Established in 1954 by a group of forward-thinking psychologists, NDPA has become a dynamic force for change through direct advocacy, grassroots mobilization, and coalition strategies.
NDPA has been the leadership behind self-certification, state licensure, third party payments, freedom of choice, and direct access to services for Medicaid recipients.
NDPA psychologists have been among the first to receive training from the American Psychological Association and American Red Cross to provide pro bono services to on-site disaster victims and relief workers.
Our NDPA lobbyist seeks enactment of legislation favorable to psychology and to block legislative initiatives unfavorable to the profession. NDPA represents you and is the only organization in North Dakota protecting your professional interests. There is strength in numbers and as more psychologists become dues-paying members of NDPA, the strength of your voice with legislators and regulators grows.
NDPA’s Federal Advocacy Coordinator keeps on top of national news and legislation with the sole purpose of advancing our profession's political agenda in North Dakota
NDPA maintains an active voice in Washington by sending NDPA representatives to the Practice Leadership Council each year where among other things, they are taught effective techniques that can be applied to advocacy efforts for our profession and for our patients. They then have the opportunity to meet with our representatives in congress to help ensure policy outcomes that benefit psychologists, psychology, and the public as a whole. Thanks in part to the lobbying efforts of conference attendees in March 2016, Congress passed the Mental Health Reform Act! This new law strengthens enforcement of federal mental health parity laws, eliminates the Medicaid same day exclusion rule (which prohibits separate payment for mental health and primary care services provided to a Medicaid enrollee on the same day), improves how mental health issues are responded to in the criminal justice system, creates and reauthorizes a wide range of federal mental health and substance use treatment and prevention grant programs, and clarifies health information privacy protections for patients with mental illnesses.
NDPA provides Continuing Education opportunities on topics central to the practice of psychology such as those offered by risk management experts, attorneys and psychologists with expertise in a variety of topics to provide psychologists with up to date information on ethical, legal and professional issues. As a member you enjoy special member pricing at all NDPA-sponsored CEU events. NDPA is an approved provider of continuing education for psychologists by the North Dakota Board of Psychologist Examiners
NDPA Referral Service refers persons seeking help to psychologists, based on geographic area, specialization and other preferences.
NDPA has a voice in the government of APA by having a member seat on the Council of Representatives.The Council of Representatives is the legislative body of APA and has full power and authority over the affairs and funds of the association (within the limitations set by the certificate of incorporation and the Bylaws).
NDPA’s Listserve permits easy communication among members and serves as a resource to allow rapid 24 hour access to other psychologists in the state. Recent topics have included questions on the Autism Mandatory Reporting bill, upcoming legislation, requests for case consultations and questions about CEU requirements for licensure.
NDPA’s Online Membership Directory enables you to list your credentials, specialties, contact information and website address such that prospective clients can find YOU. It also provides a way for you to find your colleagues as well
By listing your NDPA membership and activities on your c.v. it communicates to current and potential employers that you are committed to staying up to date on current trends, important legislative issues and ethical practice.
Enhance your network!! By joining NDPA you become part of a vibrant organization made up of active, involved, dedicated psychologists throughout the state. At our conferences and on our list serve you can make connections that can help advance your career.
NDPA allows you the opportunity to market your services and practice at the NDPA Fall Conferences.
NDPA allows you leadership opportunities within the professional practice of psychology and the ability to mentor students and early career psychologists
NDPA recognizes our best and brightest through our awards ceremony at our Fall Conference each year.
NDPA provides our graduate students with the opportunity to present their research at our Fall Conference, and to become active NDPA members, mentored by experienced senior members.